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DEVO 09.16.24


DEVO. 09.06.24

“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭50‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- Do you know what God loves?

- He loves when His children give thanks!

- He says, “Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.”

- Giving thanks is a reminder that without God’s help, you would have nothing to thank Him for.

- It’s not just saying with your mouth, “Thank You” but it’s an attitude of your heart.

- A heart full of Thankfulness is a heart that is overflowing with the goodness of God.

- The opposite of “Thankful” is ungrateful, unappreciative or entitled.

- No one wants to live like that but that’s what your heart will become if you forget to thank.

- The Message paraphrase puts it like this, “It’s the praising life that honors me.”

- Thankfulness leads you down a path that leads you to salvation.

- We need to make sure that we create the daily habit of giving thanks.

- Instead of waiting for the “giant” breakthrough to thank Him, begin thanking God for the 1000’s of small blessing that He gives you every day.

- Thank God for sunlight.

- Thank Him for each breath you take.

- Thank him for the people He has put in your life.

- Thank him for the grass & trees.

- Thank Him that you know how to tie your shoes.

- There are so many little moments that easily get overlooked.

- If you forget to thank, you will soon forget.

- So don’t forget!

- Remember, it says, “Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me”

- It’s a sacrifice, so it’s going to cost you something!

- Today, begin to thank Him with your mouth and let that thankfulness impact your heart and let it be reflected in your actions!

- God bless you!

- Have a great weekend!


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