As a Directory Member, you can always have up-to-date access to Church Family Members with LPCC's Church Directory.
Through the Church Directory App, as a Directory Member,
you can have virtually instant availability to fellow LPCC Church Family Members.
If you have not downloaded the Mobile App via your phone's Play Store,
use this QR code for quick access to get the Church Directory App.
Once you've downloaded the App and open it, you will use your Email address
(as recorded in LPCC's records) to CREATE A LOGIN the first time you use the Directory App.
iPhone / iOS USERS:
If you have not downloaded the Mobile App via your iPhone's App Store, use this QR code for
quick access to get the App. Once you've downloaded the App and open it, you will use
your Email address (as recorded in LPCC's records) to CREATE A LOGIN the first time
you use the Directory App.