DEVO. 09.02.24
"After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation." (Job 42:16)
- "After this..." Job lived.
- After the bad report
- After the loss of his possessions
- After the loss of his children
- After the boils
- After the gossip
- Do you know that God has an "After this" for you.
- Job 42:12 says, "The Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first."
- No matter what you have been through God can turn your mourning into dancing!
- God can replace your hopelessness with Hope.
- What you think is "the end" can become "the beginning"
- God can restore what the enemy has stolen from you.
- He is a restoring God.
- He is a Healing Savior!
- Maybe everyone has said it is over for you.
- Maybe you have told yourself that you've messed up one to many times.
- Maybe it looks like your life or situation is to broken to put the pieces back together again.
- Don't ever let the enemy tell you it is over
- Don't ever let your enemy determine your future.
- When Hell says it's over, Jesus says, I make all things new!
- Satan threw everything he could at Job, but God still had an "After this" in store for him.
- Allow God to speak an "After this..." into your life and situation today.
- Maybe you feel like everything has been stolen from you or your life has been destroyed.
- In John 10:10, Jesus says, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
- Today exchange the enemies intentions for God's promise.
- Today open your mind up to the possibility that God has more for you!
- Reject the curse you have been living under and receive His blessing.
- Today receive His abundant and full till it overflows life!
- Today, begin living an "After this" Life!
- Have a great Labor Day!