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DEVO 04.24.24


DEVO. 04.24.24

“As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” ‭‭(Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- Joshua was at the end of his ministry of leading the children of Israel through their conquest of the Promised land.

- He has seen the bad and the good out of God’s people.

- He also knew that if they were going to thrive in the land that they must make a choice.

- They had to do it.

- No one else could make this decision for them.

- He said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.”(Josh. 24:15)

- Choose the one true God or choose another god.

- I feel like that is the choice in front of God’s people, right now.

- It’s decision time.

- Are we going to run after all these other “little gods” that we have been chasing after or are we going to choose the One, True God?

- Have we come to the point where we are willing to put away our idols?

- Put away our pride, greed, lust, position, recognition?

- Are we willing to stop following man and getting the applause of people around us?

- Are we willing to stop gossiping and slandering our brothers and sisters in Christ just so we look better?

- Are we willing to stop doing things that satisfy the “flesh” and finally hunger and thirst for righteousness?

- Are we willing to press into His presence and feed on His Word instead of every other word?

- Are we willing to listen to His Spirit and do what He says?

- Are we willing to pursue Holiness?

- Doesn’t Ephesians 5:27 say that Jesus is returning for a “glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”

- Holy & without blemish!

- ‭‭If that is what we should look like, then let’s remove every blemish!

- Lets become the Holy, set apart church that He is returning for because His return is close!

- Can you say, with me, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord!”

- Lets not just say it, Lets live it!

- Have a great Wednesday!


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