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DEVO 03.21.24

DEVO. 03.21.24

“When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke‬ ‭5:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

- This is the story of the guys who brought their friend to Jesus.

- The ones who bypassed the crowd by Going up on the roof and cut a hole in it.

- Then they lowered their friend right in front of Jesus.

- These are the ones who broke protocol

- The ones who risked embarrassment & rejection

- Out of Faith that Jesus really was the Son of God and that He could bring healing to their friend, they risked it all!

- And the first word out of Jesus’ mouth is not, “how dare you ruin the roof”

- He doesn’t say, “you broke all the rules”

- He doesn’t say, “This is not how you do it.”

- He doesn’t even acknowledge the hole in the roof!

- He doesn’t embarrass them, or yell at them. Instead, look at His first word.

- “Friend”

- He acknowledges this man and Honors their faith.

- Jesus speaks a word of acceptance.

- A true word of Love.

- “Friend”, with that word Jesus broke a ton of traditions and religious thought.

- That one word broke thousands of curses.

- With this one word Jesus broke the curse of rejection that this man had been living with ever since he had been paralyzed.

- Jesus goes on to forgive this mans sins and heal His body but before He did all that, He brought Healing just through the one word, “Friend”

- What is the word that you think that you are going to hear from Jesus when you come to Him with your brokenness and your problems?

- What do you think Jesus is going to say to you when you lay in front of Him with your need?

- Remember, this man was not able to do anything for Jesus.

- He wasn’t able to do any “works” at this time.

- He could only lay there.

- His faith had already spoken because of the place that He found Himself ... lying on the ground, in front of Jesus.

- And in that condition, Jesus’ first word is “Friend”

- So how about you?

- What do you think that you are going to hear from Jesus?

- I will tell you this, it’s not a word of condemnation.

- It’s not, “you should try harder and do better”

- No, Jesus looks right in your eyes and says, “Friend”

- Come to Him in Faith, today!

- Don’t expect to hear what the world would say.

- Be ready to receive a word from the One who is a “Friend of Sinners”

- Receive His Love, forgiveness and acceptance!

- Today, know that He is your Friend!

- This man left, and went home praising God!

- Be ready to receive that word and let it change the course of your life!

- Have a great Thursday!

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