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DEVO 04.09.24


DEVO. 04.09.24

”The gardener answered, ‘Sir, give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer.“ (Luke‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- Aren’t you glad we serve a God of second chances?

- In this case, 3rd and fourth chances.

- Jesus tells this story about a man who planted a fig tree in a vineyard. For three years it didn’t produce any fruit.

- He was ready to cut it down but the gardener said, “Sir, give it one more chance.”

- This parable primarily speaks of the Nation of Israel but the truths of it also applies to any person who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ but keeps on sinning.

- The one who starts following but struggles to be faithful.

- The one who messes up.

- The one who fails.

- Have you ever felt that way?

- I am so thankful, personally, that Jesus saw more in me than my mess.

- He saw more than my mistakes.

- He didn’t write me off.

- If you have ever failed in your Christian walk, Jesus does not call you a failure.

- He doesn’t say, “I have no use for you”

- He says, “I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer”

- Special attention means that He will come alongside of you, care for you, make an abundance of His grace and mercy available to you.

- He will fertilize your heart with His Word.

- He says that he is not just going to use a little bit of fertilizer; He is going use plenty of fertilizer.

- As much as it takes.

- He will fill you with His Spirit.

- He will help you get to places where you can grow, be nurtured and be strengthened.

- Jesus is the Gardner who sees far beyond your failures.

- He takes those who are failures and Helps them, by His Spirit, to become Faithful!

- He takes the useless and makes them useful!

- Today, thank the Lord for His 2nd chances.

- Thank Him that He never gave up on you.

- Thank Him for another day that He can help strengthen you and give you an abundance of His Grace.

- Grab ahold of this day as a new opportunity to be faithful.

- Praise the God of 2nd chances!

- Have a great Tuesday!


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