DEVO. 01.24.25
”And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!”“ (Genesis 32:26 NKJV)
- What would you do to have the blessing of the Lord on your life?
- In this story, Jacob was willing to wrestle all night and then some.
- Even after an all night battle, he said, “I will not let go unless you bless me”
- Jacob had invested all of his heart and soul in this wrestling match.
- All of his past, all of his present and his future was tied up in this match.
- He wasn’t looking for a blessing that he could receive from anyone else.
- He was fighting for the Lord’s blessing.
- But in order to receive the Lord’s blessing, Jacob had to be broken.
- He had to have his will broken.
- He had to have his pride broken.
- He had to have his plans broken.
- Everything had to be shattered in order to receive the blessing of the Lord.
- Genesis 32:25 says, The Angel of the Lord, “touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.“
- When you wrestle with the Lord, you will be changed.
- The Angel of the Lord touched Him.
- He was changed physically, emotionally and spiritually.
- He never walked the same.
- He had a different strut.
- He had to have a dependence on the Lord that he hadn’t had before!
- How about you?
- What, in your life, needs to be touched by the Lord?
- Is it your will?
- Is it your finances?
- Is it your health?
- Is it your relationships?
- Is it your spiritual heart condition?
- Are you willing to wrestle with the Lord, all night, like Jacob, and say, “I will not let go unless you bless me”
- Are you willing to wrestle through fasting & prayer?
- Are you willing to wrestle through the Word of God?
- Are you willing to wrestle with the Lord for future generations that come after you?
- Wrestle for the sake of your family and friends!
- Wrestle for the blessing of the Lord!
- Proverbs 10:22 (TLB) says, “The Lord’s blessing is our greatest wealth.”
- God’s blessing is far greater than man’s blessing!
- Nothing can compare to the transformation that He can bring in your life!
- Today, chase after the Lord’s blessing, and let nothing stop you until you get it!
- Have a great Weekend!