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DEVO 12.24.24


DEVO. 12.24.24

“And after entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and worshiped Him.” (Matthew‬ ‭2:11‬)

- Matthew 2:1 tells the story of the wise men. It says, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,”

- Traveling from the “east”, could range from 400-700 miles depending on the region that they came from.

- This would have taken them approximately 2-3 weeks on camels or around a month’s journey by foot.

- Keep in mind, this is not a comfortable car ride. This is difficult terrain and less than favorable conditions.

- The Bottom line is that, they allowed themselves to be inconvenienced for the sole purpose of worshiping the Christ.

- It wasn’t a “Holiday”, it was a time of worship.

- It was ALL ABOUT Worship!

- He was their entire focus.

- He was the reason.

- Unfortunately, most people will go through this whole season without Worshipping Jesus.

- Worship is whatever you give your time, energy, focus or reverence to.

- Will you do that this Christmas?

- Will you take time to focus on Jesus?

- Will you focus on Him and reverence Him?

- Will you allow yourself to be inconvenienced for His sake?

- It’s very easy to become consumed with the activities of Christmas and miss the Christ.

- Stop whatever you are doing today and be wise. Worship Him.

- If you have been pulled in every other direction, stop and get pulled back into the right direction!

- Spend some time with Him.

- Get alone and get away with Him.

- Do whatever it takes to get to Him.

- Remember and reflect on Him.

- Speak to Him.

- Pray with Him.

- Worship Him.

- Honor Him.

- Have a great Christmas Eve!


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