DEVO. 10.15.24
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him! (Exodus 15:2 NLT)
- This is the song, Moses and the Israelites sang after The Lord delivered them from the Egyptian army.
- At their darkest and most frightening moment, The Lord stepped in and gave them victory!
- The Lord parted the Red Sea...He performed a miracle!
- He did the impossible!
- It reminds you today, that no matter what you face, or what you are going through, victory is found in The Lord!
- Never say "He can't" - that's denying His power.
- Never say "He won't" - that's denying His love.
- Never say "He is unable" - That's denying His ability.
- Our God is able!
- He is able to part the waters.
- He is able to silence the storms in your life.
- He is able to redirect your path.
- He is able to lead you triumphantly into all victory.
- 2 Cor. 2:14 says " Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ..."
- whatever the situation is that you are facing or you are in the middle of, The Lord has pre-determined the end result.
- Proclaim, just like Moses, "He has given me victory".
- You may not be able to see the end yet, but decide now that The Lord "Has Given" you the victory.
- Present Tense!
- It's already yours.
- Don't let the enemy put doubt and discouragement in your mind.
- Don't let trials wear you down physically and emotionally.
- Speak to the adversity and say, "Victory is mine, today, because The Lord Has Given me the victory!"
- Speak faith today.
- Live in victory today.
- And sing like Moses and the Israelites, "This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him! "
- Get ready for a great day and a great testimony!
- Have a great Tuesday!