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DEVO 09.26.2


DEVO. 09.26.24

“The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged.” (Psalms‬ ‭69‬:‭32‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- Have you been trusting God and praying for a need or a breakthrough?

- We’ll be encouraged. Psalm 69:32 says that the humble will see their God at work and be glad.

- So, if God’s at work, you need to treat it as if it’s already answered.

- The humble are those who trust in God and His ability more than themselves.

- When problems occur, they don’t say, “I’ve got this”, but instead they say, “God, You’ve got this”

- They open their hands and hand it over to the Lord.

- Pride says, “I’ve got it” and those who are humble hand it over to the only one who can truly answer and say, “This is yours”

- No matter how smart you seem or how strong you are, God will let you get to a place where you are no longer smart enough or strong enough.

- To realize that things are out of your control is a good thing.

- It gives you an opportunity to hand it over to the Almighty, All knowing, Always Present One.

- Psalm 69:6 says, He is “The Sovereign Lord of Heavens Armies.”

- That means, He will give you Divine intervention which is better than human intervention.

- Humans intervention is actually interference.

- It is interfering with what God wants to do.

- It’s settling with far less than His best.

- Psalm 69:33 says, “The Lord hears the cries of the needy”

- Know today, that the Lord Loves you, He hears you and He will answer.

- Stay Humble and stay Hopeful!

- Have a Great Thursday!


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