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DEVO 08.30.24


DEVO. 08.30.24

"But this is only a simple thing for The Lord...." (2 kings 3:18)

- The story in 2 Kings 3 is that King Joram of Israel, King Jehoshaphat of Judah, and king of Edom were headed into battle against the king of Moab.

- They "traveled through the wilderness for seven days but there was no water for the men or their animals." (2 Kings 3:9 NLT)

- They were thirsty and couldn't go on.

- Without water they would certainly suffer defeat.

- So they sent for the prophet Elisha.

- Look at what Elisha said in verses 16 & 17, “This is what the Lord says: This dry valley will be filled with pools of water! You will see neither wind nor rain, says the Lord, but this valley will be filled with water. You will have plenty for yourselves and your cattle and other animals." (2 Kings 3:16, 17 NLT)

- Then in verse 18 Elisha says, "But this is only a simple thing for the Lord, for he will make you victorious over the army of Moab!"

- What about you?

- What impossible situation do you face today?

- What are you facing that you have no answer for?

- Is it a sickness?

- A relationship?

- Finances?

- A job?

- A mental condition?

- Turn to the Creator and Sustainer of all things...

- Turn to the God who "made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever." (Psalms 146:6)

- He can create something out of nothing!

- He can part the Red Sea!

- He can move that mountain!

- He can make the impossible - possible!

- As 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."

- Today, don't look at how big your problem is, instead look at how big your God is!

- Whatever you are facing, remember, it's only a simple thing for the Lord!

- Have a great weekend!


Worship Times:   Sundays, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

@ All rights reserved 2021

Office:  386.738.5000 / M-F, 10a-4p

1747 W. New York Ave.  Deland, FL 32720

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