DEVO. 08.28.24
“Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your [unfaithful] hearts, you double-minded [people].” James 4:8 AMP
- James tells us that if we make a move in God’s direction, HE WILL move toward us!
- This is a promise!
- When you come close to someone, it is because they have grabbed your attention.
- You move close to experience more of their presence.
- Psalms 16:11 says, “In Your presence is fullness of joy…”
- Fullness!
- That means that when you are in Gods presence you are joyFULL!
- As joyful as you can possibly be!
- But it not coming close to God with any type of heart.
- It’s a contrite heart
- Contrite means that you recognize your sinfulness and the cost of your sinfulness to Jesus.
- It means that you are extremely humble and teachable. All of your pride and self dependence is gone!
- It means that you have surrendered all of your wants and desires over to God.
- When you come to God broken and repentant, it attracts His attention!
- When you say to God, “I want what you want!” He will run to you!
- God says, they get it!
- God know that all you need is more of His presence!
- And as you are in His presence, you are full of joy and peace!
- Today, draw close!
- Remove every distraction and every obstacle and get close to God.
- Linger there!
- Let Him touch you physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually!
- Let Him speak to your heart!
- Have a great Wednesday!