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DEVO 08.23.24


DEVO. 08.23.24

“Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”

(‭‭John‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- How important is it for you to see?

- Pretty important, right?

- Our physical sight has a direct impact on our thoughts, emotions and our behavior.

- Now, How important is your spiritual sight?

- Once again, it will impact your thoughts, emotions and your behavior.

- Look at Jesus words, He said that He could only do what he saw His Father doing!

- He had to be able to see, spiritually!

- Think of all the healings and miracles that Jesus did.

- Josh’s 21:25 says, “Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.”

- ‭‭That’s a lot of amazing things by Jesus!

- But first, He had to see it before He could do it.

- He had to see the paralytic healed before He could heal him.

- He had such an intimate relationship with His Father that He could see what His Father was doing before He did it.

- But Jesus developed His spiritual sight by getting away and alone with the Father.

- The same is true for you spiritually.

- You can see more than what you are seeing.

- But in order to see more, you have to slow down and spend time with Jesus.

- You have to put down the technology for a minute.

- You have to train yourself to see spiritually.

- It’s more than a Sunday morning sermon.

- It comes out of more than a casual acquaintance with God.

- It comes from intimacy and intimacy takes time.

- Today, ask God to help you to see more than what you are seeing.

- He wants you to see beyond the disappointment, beyond the disagreement, beyond the rejection and even beyond your current success.

- If you are going to step into all that God has for you, seeing what He sees is a “MUST”

- Today, break out of the norm and break away with Jesus and ask Him to help you see what He sees.

- Have a great weekend.


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