DEVO. 07.29.24
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” (Romans 12:1 NLT)
- The Apostle Paul is pleading with and urging Christians!
- When you plead with someone, you are saying, “This is very, very important!”
- He is saying, “Please pay attention and don’t miss this!”
- He is saying that all Christians need to give their body to God.
- They need to be a living sacrifice!
- The interesting thing about a sacrifice is that it was usually already dead.
- It’s hard to sacrifice something that is alive because it will try to get off the altar.
- In the same way, we need to be a living sacrifice and all along realize that your “flesh” is going to try to resist it.
- Most of the time you are going to try to get off of the altar!
- Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually your flesh is going to resist.
- But you must humble yourself. Your mind, will and emotions!
- You must be that Living sacrifice so that you are holy and well pleasing to God.
- That means watching what you say, how you think, how you act and react!
- That is what God expects of you and that is called “worship”!
- This is reasonable worship!
- Worship is not singing a song!
- Worship is a life that is dead to self and alive to Christ!
- Today, what attitudes, actions or behaviors, in you, need to die, in order for the world around you to see Christ in you?
- Have a great Monday!