DEVO. 06.20.24
“So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan.” (1 Kings 17:5 NLT)
- Elijah did as the Lord told him.
- Elijah was a prophet of the Lord. The job of every prophet was to speak the word of the Lord.
- Both warnings and encouragement but to speak the word of the Lord.
- The only way that you can speak the Word of the Lord is to be in the presence of the Lord.
- Everything flows out of the time that you have been in the presence of the Lord.
- The directions and instructions that the Lord gave Him, and the miracles. Everything flowed out of the presence of God.
- Hearing God and obeying God was crucial! It was a matter of life and death!
- So when God told him, in verse 3, to “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River.” It was because there was going to be a famine and drought in the land.
- His was both protecting and providing for Elijah.
- How important was it for Elijah to hear from God? Extremely important!
- Now in the NT, In 1 Peter 2:9, it says, “For you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”
- Here’s the purpose, “That we show others the goodness of God.”
- That’s both in our actions and what we say.
- Amos 3:7 says, “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”
- First God shows his servants and then God acts.
- Today, the most important thing that you can do is to get in the Word of God and let it lead you into the presence of God.
- As it says in Psalm 81:10, Open your mouth wide and let God fill it!
- Once you have received the Word of the Lord, then speak what he tells to speak.
- Do what He has told you to do.
- Have a great Thursday.