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DEVO 05.15.24

DEVO. 05.15.24

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for." (Hebrews‬ ‭11:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

- What If?

- What if David had listened to all of the Israelite's, his brothers, King Saul and realized that it didn't make sense to fight Goliath?

- What if he said, "That's right, I am only a boy, I should go back and watch those sheep, what was I thinking?"

- What if he didn't pick up that stone?

- What if Abraham didn't take that step of Faith and go to an unknown destination?

- What if the Israelites had quit circling the city of Jericho after 6 days because nothing had happened?

- What if Moses didn't strike the Red Sea with his staff because that seemed ridiculous?

- What if Peter decided to not step out of the boat and sit safely in it with the other disciples?

- And what if you don't act on the next step that God has called you to take?

- What if you ignore the nudge of the Holy Spirit?

- What if you decide to stick with what is logical and just stay where you are?

- Is God calling you to take a step of Faith?

- Is He asking you to step into the unknown?

- No, you may not have heard an audible voice but you may have simply sensed His Spirit "nudging you"...

- Moving you out of the ordinary... Out of complacency.

- Here is one thing I know - You will never experience the Miraculous if you are unwilling to do the ridiculous!

- God will ask you to do the illogical

- He will require you to trust Him so that you don't think it was you

- So that He gets the glory!

- Each step of faith leads to another step of faith which leads to another step of faith...and on and on it goes.

- Each step makes you more dependent on God and pushes you closer to His Presence.

- You decrease and He increases

- So what is the voice saying that you are trying to ignore?

- What's your next step?

- Remember, "FAITH is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see."

- Take that step and grow that Faith!

- You are closer to your miracle than you think.

- You could be one step away from that breakthrough!

- You will never know unless you pick up that rock....

- You will never see it until you take the next step, strike the water or step out of the boat...

- Take that step of faith today Because you have been called by God to slay that Giant!

- "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2Timothy 1:7)

- Step into the ridiculous and see the miraculous!

- Have a great Wednesday!


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