DEVO. 05.07.24
“There is no one holy like the Lord, There is no one besides You, There is no Rock like our God.” (1 Samuel 2:2 AMP)
- This is part of Hanna’s prayer to the Lord.
- She had been barren. She was empty! Unable to have children and she cried out to the Lord!
- I Samuel 1:10 says “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.”
- She was pouring her heart out to the Lord.
- She had no medicine and no treatment to help.
- She was down to divine intervention and that’s it!
- So she begged and pleaded with the Lord!
- Have you ever been there?
- It’s a desperate place.
- It’s a humbling situation.
- It God or nothing!
- But what a beautiful place of intimacy where the Lord heard her cry and opened her womb to conceive!
- Hanna could never look at her life the same again.
- Her problem pushed her to a place of extreme dependence on the Lord.
- Hanna came to know the Lord in a whole new way and so will you, if you look at your problem as something to draw you closer to God not push Him away.
- The obstacles in your path are designed to pull you into His presence.
- They are meant to make you extremely dependent on Him!
- And after God blessed, Hanna prays this incredible prayer of boasting in the Lord!
- Today, Gods power is available for you to help you overcome every difficulty that stands before you.
- Reach out to Him and trust in Him alone and I know you will experience all of His goodness in your life!
- And from His answer, I pray that the Spirit of God deposits a song in your heart and you never forget His love for you!
- There is no one like our God!
- Have a Great Thursday!