DEVO. 04.03.24
”Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.“ (Matthew 28:19 NLT)
- The disciples had gone to the place where Jesus had told them to go after His resurrection.
- When they saw Him they worshipped Him
- Then He gives them these instructions…He says “Go”
- He doesn’t say stay.
- He doesn’t tell them to sit around and talk about theology.
- He doesn’t even give them time to figure this all out.
- He says, “Go”, get on the move!
- He says, “go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.“
- Make disciples and baptize!
- That means, make them into little “Mini-Me’s”
- Show them what it is like to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
- Demonstrate what a follower says, does and how they are to act!
- Discipleship is more than just spreading the word, leaving a gospel track or even preaching.
- It’s taking someone under your wing as an apprentice and sticking with them until they become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
- It’s walking along side of them through the ups and downs, the struggles and victories, the highs and lows.
- It’s like running alongside of your kid, as they learn to pedal and ride a bike and then finally getting to the point where you let go and let them do it themselves.
- They may crash at some point and they may get frustrated but you are right there with them.
- That’s discipleship.
- But you can’t do it sitting where you are.
- You have to get up and Go!
- Stop thinking about it and talking about it.
- Go do it!
- One person at a time!
- Have a great Wednesday!