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DEVO 04.02.24

DEVO. 04.02.24

”And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.“ (Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

- Have you worshipped Jesus today?

- This scripture says, “They held him by the feet and worshiped Him”

- And isn’t that how it should be?

- They Beheld Him!

- I believe that when you have a true encounter with Jesus, the only reasonable response is to worship Him!

- I really think that we have gotten too used to this story and too used to going to church!

- We think that worship has to fit into a few songs and if we raise our hands, that is really good worship.

- Sometimes I think we get a little proud of ourselves if we raise our hands or express ourselves a certain way in worship.

- But, here, these women grabbed him by the feet.

- They were in awe and truly humbled themselves.

- These women had gone to the tomb where Jesus’ body was placed.

- They had prepared spices for his body.

- They were traumatized by what had occurred to their Messiah when he was crucified.

- Their whole life was turned upside down.

- And then on the way to the tomb, they encounter an earthquake and the Angel of the Lord.

- Consider all of the emotions involved.

- Think of the emotional roller coaster.

- They were expecting a wrapped up, dead body and instead encountered a living breathing Savior!

- They encountered Him.

- And whenever you encounter someone, you encounter their presence.

- And as they encountered His presence, they fell on their face and grabbed His feet and worshiped!

- They were in awe of Him!

- They didn’t have the words…they just fell down and grabbed His feet!

- This is the greatest picture of worship!

- So the next time you go “worship”, whether it is reading His Word, singing a song, writing in your journal or playing and instrument.

- Whatever way you choose to worship, don’t stop until you encounter His presence!

- And when you encounter His presence, let it change you!

- Let it humble you!

- Allow His presence to transform you!

- Go beyond the normal.

- Matthew 5:6 says, ”Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.“

- ‭‭Go for the filling, and don’t stop half way.

- Come to His presence for a full tank!

- Have a great Tuesday!


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